Thursday, June 11, 2009

Who is reponsible?

Can the common person take a load of the government's shoulders? I mean can he/she chip in to manage a few tasks to ease the pressure of those in power? Why should we may well be the question? The government has enough people already and those in there don't do their job so why should we bother? And the people there who do, do the wrong kind of job? Bribes, and delays. So, why the ...... (the blank is for expletives) should I care?
It seems ridiculous nowadays to suggest sharing the burden with the powers that be. Anger and apathy have set in and there is no room for compassion or forgiveness.
Maybe the government did the wrong things all these years. It employed all the wrong people. Maybe it took the citizen's trust for granted. Unforgiveable errors and such blunders have forced many into mere surviving and not living. They resigned themselves saying 'this is the way things are. They will never change'.
Hmm. Valid reason for ire.
But it is not that the government has not made amends. They have and are trying.
Maybe our country is too big to right all the wrongs. Maybe too many chose a bad alternative and cannot get back on track. For them it would probably mean the risk of loss - money, status, power maybe.
Every person is entitled to a good life. The choices are however tough - luxuries or necessities. A car or a two-wheeler. An LCD or a flat screen. An i-pod or an iphone.
The buying spree is on and every new product that comes into the market is a possible 'mine-to-have'. We can say no - but that does not happen too often. Iphones, i-pods, lcds, flat screens have all been lapped up by consumers. Those who don’t buy find it difficult to not envy those who have. So, loans for home appliances become popular.
The real estate boom in Bangalore made it seem like everyone could afford a house. Many of us rushed to buy flats or at least mulled over the idea.
We are caught up in a rush to get more. It is difficult to stop and say - enough. To be different, although at times the best way out, is a tough choice.
We usually opt for the easy way out - giving in. So too, the government. Everyone succumbs, everyone makes mistakes. Credit card holders can vouch for that.
So, why are we so harsh with people in power. Somebody needs to be blamed I guess.
We need to vent our ire somewhere. That can continue, but in the meanwhile, my two-wheeler is sandwiched between two cars, three autos and a bus on a narrow street in Fraser Town. Any ideas?

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