Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The title of the blog sounds like the name of a Chinese restaurant. It was not my intention to conjure up images of an Oriental eating place. 'The Hungry Dragon' is a metaphor for writing.
I am writing again after a long break and will need to do so constantly in this space. If I do not, 'the hungry dragon' could inflict great harm. With great hunger comes great anger!
Hopefully, I can strike a deal with the fire-breathing monster, like Dennis Quaid did with Sean Connery in that movie, and the dragon and I can live happily ever after.
My sincere apologies to those of you who thought this was the blog of a Chinese restaurant and are looking for a menu card. A sorry also goes out to the Chinese or even people from other nationalities who were keen to use this name for their restaurant's blog.
I am not in competition with any of you and my desire was not to steal your title, infuriate you and start a world war. I have nobler goals than that. I am a strong advocator of save the earth campaigns - saving water, electricity and going vegetarian. So, the last thing I would want to do is to start a war (although I suspect such attempts are being made everyday).
During these difficult times please look kindly on my small aberration.
Maybe the title could be up for grabs in the future if I get tired of it. Do not however pressure me into business deals for it. I may just give in. But think on this - you will have forced me to live with the guilt of selling my idea for money (I presume cash is what you do business with).
It is not worth condemning another human being to live with guilt for as long as he lives even if a barter ensures that one meal of Chinese food a day is assured for the rest of his life.

PS: If the market situation does not improve and you can come up with some decent offers, I am willing to relax my moral stand on the barter issue.

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